Given an arbitrary series, we've to calculate the maximum sum confined to only one restriction- If we choose any number a [ i ] to calculate the sum, we can't choose a [ i+1 ] Let's take a series: a[ ]= {1,2,3,4,5,9} Linear Solution: Take two variable inc and exl . inc will store value if we choose a [ i ] to calculate the sum & exl will store value if we do not choose a [ i ], for any 0 ≤ i ≤ n. Now for every step, we have to calculate inc and exl . After iteration ends, max( inc,exl ) is the maximum non-contiguous sum. Roughly- Why inc = exl + a [ i ] ? because the already calculated exl is from i-2 . So if we choosed inc= inc + a [ i ] , that would be a contiguous sum . exl is maximum of inc & exl right until i-1 . Top Down solution( DP ): If you're familiar with dynamic programming, you know that, we need to calculate dp[n] - the maximum non contiguous sum at nth index. Now we can have two possible state, we'll select the maximum ...