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Showing posts from October, 2018

Basic Modular Arithmetic

In simple terms, Modular Arithmetic calculates the remainder of anything divided by anything. The later is called modulus. e.g. ( 15 / 7 ) Quotient: 2, Remainder 1.  In greater sense,  modular arithmetic  is a system of  arithmetic  for  integers , where numbers "wrap around" upon reaching a certain value—the  modulus ( src: Wikipedia ). Take a look at hour clock. After 12:59 pm, we say 1:00 pm, because we modulo the hours by 12. 13 pm % 12 is 1 pm. (%) represents modulus operator. Examples: 5 % 2 = 1, 14458948 % 25 = 23 a≡b (mod n) This says that a  A is  congruent  to b modulo n. It means both a and b has same remainder when divided by n. e.g. 38 ≡14 (mod 12) Commonly Used Properties: Reflexivity:  a  ≡  a  (mod  n ) Symmetry:   a  ≡  b  (mod  n )   if and only if   b  ≡  a  (mod  n ) Transitivity: If   a  ≡  b ...